Top 5 Reasons for a CEO to Delegate Tasks
By: Whitney Grinnage-Cassidy
You are a CEO. You have countless parts of a business to juggle. And though it may be hard work, all of the different hats you wear keep your business going.
But what happens when there just aren’t enough hours in the day for all of these hats? What do you do when you don’t have the time to meet with that client, develop your strategic plan, update social media platforms, and rebrand your business?
The answer is simple: delegate tasks. The L in our B.L.A.C (business, leadership, assets, credit) is there for a reason; delegating tasks is a necessary form of leadership.
Why, you ask? Check out these Top 5 Reasons for a CEO to Delegate Tasks:
1. It frees up time to complete other tasks.
There’s no doubt that you have plenty on your plate as a CEO. Delegate tasks to employees to have more time for your most important business matters.
2. It develops experience with managing employees.
B.L.A.C CEOs lean into learning how to collaborate. Take advantage of the opportunity to gain valuable experience and by understanding how to effectively oversee other people for the benefit of your business.
3. It improves communication.
Before your employees can go off on their own and complete assigned tasks, they need clear instruction. What do they need to do? When will it be due? B.L.A.C CEOs practice concise, coherent, and consistent communication by sharing expectations with employees.
4. It encourages collective success and increased morale.
No one wants to be the weak link. Delegating tasks transforms a business from an individual pursuit into a well oiled machine with multiple parts moving in rhythm. Accomplishing one goal together will encourage movement toward future goals, leading to increased confidence, morale, and ultimately, productivity.
5. It broadens the possibilities for growth in your business.
Two minds are better than one. An employee in your business may think of a solution or an idea that would have never crossed your mind. When CEOs delegate tasks, they open their business to new avenues of creativity and critical thinking.
The B.L.A.C model is equipped to build CEOs into the best business people possible. Don’t be your own enemy! Delegate tasks to employees to guarantee that your business sees success in the future.